HOROSCOPES - GEORGE WASHINGTON The horoscope of George Washington, who was born at Pope's Creek (later called Wakefield, Virginia), at about 10:00., on 11 February 1732. The co-ordinates are, 077W02 26N57. It is my contention that he was born at 10:17 am., and this chart has been cast for that time. The portrait of Washington at the centre of the chart is from a print of the painting made by Gilbert Stuart, in 1796. This had been commissioned by Martha Washington, but Stuart did not finish it, and delivered to her only an inferior copy. The portrait has the distinction of being the basis for that used in the engraving on the modern dollar bill. The swollen mouth, so evident in the portrait, is due to the fact that Washington had recently had fitted a new set of wooden false teeth. The sigillization adopted for this chart is that used for the reconstructed charting of the moment of the laying of the foundations stones for the Federal City (which bears the name of Washington), and for the laying of the foundation stone of the White House in that city. I adopted the sigillization here, to point to the remarkable fact that Washington's birth chart is related to the latter - to the building that was called initially, the President's House - by a single degree. The Mercury of the White House chart is in 7.54 Libra, and is thus in the same degree as Washington's Jupiter. Both charts may be examined in David Ovason, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital. The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. 2000, p.65.

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