THE FOUNDING OF MESSENE AND ITS URBAN DESIGN Ancient Messene have the orientation and follow up the grid which is formed by parallel (orientation EW) and perpendicular (orientation NS) roads. called Hippodameian system named after ; Hippodamus from Miletus; an architect; geometrician and astronomer of the 5th c. B.C. ; the principles of isonomy (equality before the law); of isopolity (equal civic rights) and of isomoiria (equal share in landownership); still; it could afford to adapt to the peculiarities of the landscape and the particular climatic conditions of each site so that it conformed smoothly with the natural environment. It is according to these very principles that Ancient Messene; the new capital of the free and independent Messenia; was built in 369 B.C. by Epameinondas from Thebes. In 1895; begun systematic excavations at the site under the direction of the archaeologist Themistocles Sophoulis; in 1909 and 1925 under the direction of G. Oikonomou. In 1957 Anastasios Orlandos charge of the excavation project of Ancient Messene and worked until 1974. In 1978 the entry on Messene appeared in the 15th volume of the German Opus Real Encyclopadie by L. Meyer; published by N. Petros Themelis. Excavations started in 1987 and continues to the present day showing significant progress. We can see what it how the area was at the time of Emperor Antoninus Pius (155-160A.D.);

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