Canada; Alberta; Am閞indiens; R閟erve des Sarcee ou Sarsi; inauguration d'une st閘e comm閙orative par le prince Charles et son fr鑢e Andrew selon l'inscription grav閑 sur ce monument : son Altesse Royale le Prince Charles a d関oil?ce cairn ?l'occasion de sa visite en Terre d'accueil Sarcee le 9 Juillet 1977; en m閙oire du trait?sign?entre les Sarcee et la couronne en juillet 1877; pour marquer ce territoire comme un symbole du droit ancestral ?cette terre tant que le soleil brille; les rivi鑢es coulent et l'herbe pousse. ./ / Canada; Alberta; Am閞indians; the Reserve Sarcee or Sarsi; inauguration of a commemorative stele by Prince Charles and his brother Andrew as the inscription on the monument: His Royal Highness Prince Charles unveiled this rock cairn on the occasion of his visit to the Sarcee Home Land on July 9; 1977; in memory of the treaty signed between the Sarcee and the crown the 7th ;1877; to mark this site as a symbol of the ancestral right to this land as long as the sun shines; the river flows and the grass grows.

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