Ireland; Dublin: bust of Constance Markievicz (1868 - 1927) on St Stephen`s Green. Constance Georgine Markievicz; also Countess Markievicz (Polish: Markiewicz); born as Gore-Booth (4 February 1868 - 15 July 1927) was an Irish Sinn F閕n and Fianna F醝l politician; revolutionary nationalist; suffragette and socialist. She was actively involved and armed during the Easter Rising 1916 at St Stephen`s Green. St Stephen Green is; since 1880; the most prestigious public park in Dublin. Until 1663; it was a marshy common. In 1664; the park was enclosed with a wall. In 1814; the area was givben to the householders around. Access to the Green was restricted to local residents; until 1877. During Easter Rising 1916; 200 to 250 insurgents of mainly members of the Irish Citizen Army; under command of Commandant Michael Mallin; his second-in-command Kit Poole; and Constance Markievicz; held a position in St Stephen's Green; but came under fire by British troops; from the Shelbourne Hotel at the Green. There are several fountains and memorials in the park.

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