LSE4329995 The interior of the house of the cure of Mune, village of Les Cici, which hosts the narrator in the main room, where a woman does laundry on her knees, next to the poultry who live there in complete freedom, engraving after a drawing by Lafosse illustrating the journey to Istria and Dalmatia, in 1874, by Charles Yriarte, published in ??????Le tour du monde??1875, Edited by Edouard Charton, edition Hachette, Paris. Selva Collection. by French School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( The interior of the house of the cure of Mune, village of Les Cici, which hosts the narrator in the main room, where a woman does laundry on her knees, next to the poultry who live there in complete freedom, engraving after a drawing by Lafosse illustrating the journey to Istria and Dalmatia, in 1874, by Charles Yriarte, published in ??????Le tour du monde??1875, Edited by Edouard Charton, edition Hachette, Paris. Selva Collection.); Photo by Leonard de Selva.

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