Festival at the East London Hospital for Children on New Years Eve, 1870. The Christmas-tree was at the end of one of the largest wards, and around it were gathered those patients well enough to get up, and nearly 200 other children who had formerly been relieved at the institution. It was, indeed, a sight to rejoice the hearts of those who were thus providing for these poor a few hours of unwonted pleasure. In front of this large group came beds on each side, whose little occupants, though unable to rise, were surrounded by toys and other amusements. Besides the Christmas-tree, there was a Punch and Judy in the boys ward, which, from the roars of laughter, seemed to be thoroughly appreciated; and in the course of the evening dissolving views, exhibited by one of the committee, afforded immense delight in the out-patients room. This part of the amusements was afterwards repeated in the girls ward, for the benefit of those too ill to leave their beds. We need hardly say that a supper and all that could be desired in the eating way was not the least part of the evenings enjoyment. The expenses of these entertainments were defrayed by the founders of the institution and a few friends. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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