EditorialTennessee Swamp Warbler - Hex laxiflora, Brewing Warbler (Vermivora peregrina, Helinaia peregrina), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 110 (vol. 2), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds o...
EditorialTHE HEX RIVER RAILWAY, CAPE COLONY, SOUTH AFRICA, 1883: 1. From Platelayer's Cottage. 2. Tulbagh Pass by Moonlight. 3. The Stoker Has a Little Refreshment. 4. A Farm by the Way, Hex River Valley. 5. The Boer Way of Travelling on the Railway. 6. Platela...
EditorialTHE DE AAR EXPEDITION, SOUTH AFRICA: 1. The De Aar Railway Extension. 2. Coming Down Hex River Mountain on the Engine on a Moonlight Night. 3. A Boer Family's First Sight of "Puffing Billy." 4. Leaving De Aar, Removing Ring-Leaders to a Cattle Truck. 5...
EditorialTemplo romano, columnas. templo pseudoper?ptero, hex?stilo y de orden corintio para el culto imperial construido entre el 54 al 96 d.c. Calle Capitulares junto ayuntamiento. Cordoba.