EditorialJean-Baptiste Carrier, Deputy of the Department of Cantal at the National Convention, guillotined 1794. Vignette shows the Drownings at Nantes, Noyades de Nantes, 1793. Mezzotint drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessis-Bertaux from his Collection Complete...
EditorialDictionnaire topographique du d?partement du Cantal, comprenant les noms de lieu anciens et modernes; r?dig? sous les auspices de la Soci?t? d'?mulation de l'Auvergne : Am?, ?mile, 1821-.
EditorialCarrier deputy of the Departem. from Cantal to the National Convention, Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Carrier and Carrier-ordered drownings in the Loire near Nantes, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aqua forti, Fig. 35...
EditorialMorane. Antoine. 35 ans, n? ? Chalinargue (Cantal). Man?vre. Anarchiste. 6/3/94., 1894, Albumen silver print from glass negative, 10.5 x 7 x 0.5 cm (4 1/8 x 2 3/4 x 3/16 in.) each, Photographs, Alphonse Bertillon (French, 1853?1914), Born into a distin...